Thursday, May 15, 2014

Obligatory "Things I Have Learned So Far" Post

As my Junior year of college comes to an end, I can't help but be left in a reflective mood. I am going to go ahead and declare that the 2013-2014 school year has been the most difficult year of my young life. It has left MUCH to be desired and I can say with no doubt that I am beyond ready for my senior year to begin because, please Lord, I can only go up from here. Right? 

But wait....did I just say my senior year? I feel like I just left home. Can it be that I will be moving into a tiny one bedroom apartment in August, preparing for student teaching, and then preparing for adulthood? I plan on putting off the real world by going to grad school, but still! Three years has FLOWN by. And as much as I wish I could freeze frame time, this summer is already in full swing, and before I know it I will be swept off to Slovakia for my study abroad, attending my cousin's wedding, going to the FFA state convention, then going to Ag teacher conference and BAM! It will be August and time for another school year to begin.

So as I sat with my beloved best friend Blanca (whose name has been changed for her protection. As are all of my friends names in this blog) over a delicious meal of sushi and sweet tea--only in I right?--I told her of my plans to write one of those cliche "Things College Has Taught Me So Far" posts for my blog. She was super excited and was the main source of inspiration for many of the things on this list, along with my high school best friend Methuselah Honeysuckle (and if you don't get that Psych reference you probably aren't as cool as I thought you were. Seriously, she is the Gus to my Shawn. Look it up!). I took input from several different people and the original list was very very long. It's hard to condense ALL the things college teaches you into one small list! So I decided to put a little twist on a cliché post and do what I like to call, my college ABC's.
So here we go. Buckle up, because this is a long post.

A is for Alcohol and Agriculture

Well DUH. It wouldn't be college without alcohol. I can't think of anything that hasn't already been said on the topic.Your standards will increase vastly once you turn 21, and decrease again when you are super broke. Also, never drink and drive. Seriously, it's stupid and not worth it. Suck it up and volunteer to be DD if no one else will.

As far as agriculture goes, it's my major so of course I have an appreciation for it. But seriously! It employs like 18% of the nation and without it you would be cold, naked, and hungry. It provides your booze. Plus it's the largest industry in the world. So go get learned about ag, and thank a farmer.

B is for Boys 
Notice I say boys, not men. Trust me y'all--there is a difference! You will meet a ton of boys in college, especially your first two years. Boys are the ones who will take you out to somewhere just OKAY, and then try to ferociously make-out with you in the car before they drop you off, with a closing line of " can I text you tomorrow?". Men will take you to a classy establishment (like Chili's or, open doors, ask you questions, walk you to your door and give you one of those movie kisses. You know! Where they put their hand on the side of your face, and the other resting respectfully on your hip? Then you may or may not run into your front door because you are so dazed by the whole experience. And you can hardly sleep because you can't stop thinking about it! Oh wait...did I just say that? I mean no...that never happened to me. I didn't run into my front door...ever... :P Those men really do exist ladies. I promise. So don't give up. 

C is for Cooking
In the words of my high school bestie "Ramen is not enough to sustain a person, so learn to cook." Coming from her, someone who loves to cook, this is easier said than done! But I agree. It's healthier to cook your own meals, and usually cheaper. So learn to cook at least two solid meals. Not because you want to be #sodomestic because that makes Feminist Lizzie angry. (Feminist Lizzie is the occasionally radical side of me that comes out when girls think they have to be perfect 'wife' material.) But simply because you should be able to support yourself.

D is for Dieting
Everyone's diet starts tomorrow, right? Dieting is thrown around so much in college it honestly loses any credibility. Don't worry about who's doing what cleanse and who is selling Advocare...find what works for you, doesn't make you blow up like a balloon, and is something you can live with the rest of your life! It's college. And it is totally acceptable to eat that honey-butter chicken biscuit at 3AM. Just maybe don't live off of corn nuggets and patty melts.

E is for Effort
I do not understand people who cheat in college classes. YOU ARE LITERALLY PAYING TO BE HERE. And if it's your parents money I'm even more disgusted with you. Stop taking that stuff for granted and take notes and crack open a book. You get out of it what you put into it, to step up and work!

F is for Fashion

Oh my goodness, as much hate as it gets I LOVE college fashion trends. Leggings can be pants. Accept it. Oversized tees and Nike shorts are super freaking comfortable, okay?! I admit that I like to dress up for class. I'm not talking about dressing up as in busting out heels--I'm just saying skinny jeans, some cute sandals, a flowy button down and LOTS of accessories are a pretty normal outfit for me. But just because I don't wear it to class doesn't mean I can't enjoy this simple, laid back feel that is college clothing. I eat it up. And one day I will laugh and laugh looking back at what we wore. I can't get on board with chacos, or however you spell them, though. I just can't.

G is for Grades
"Sometimes it takes getting on academic probation in order for you to pull your head out of your ass."--wise words from one of my friends. Bad grades happen. Deal with it and move forward because in the end, all you are looking for is getting that diploma. Stop blaming your profs. You literally missed 12 days of class--I don't think he has an unfair grading system. As soon as you graduate your GPA becomes exponentially less important. If you care about it, work hard and make good grades. If you don't--D is for diploma...right?

H is for Heartbreak
God it's the worst.
The first type of heartbreak is losing friends. That's the type that you feel in the pit of your stomach every night before you go to sleep. Maybe you got in a fight. Maybe you just drifted apart. Whatever it is, losing a best friend is miserable. Just remember that you can learn from those experiences. Don't blame yourself for more than you should take blame for. You can't help everyone, and remember that they were in your life for a reason.

The second type is even worse. I'm talking about real heartbreak. AKA being dumped. This is the type that you are constantly thinking about. And all the cliché's in the world won't make you feel better.
My mother sent me a ton of inspirational quotes on Valentines Day right after my first serious heartbreak, (side note--my mom is the best) and one of them I keep posted on my mirror. It says something about heartbreak being the worst feeling you have ever felt. "You'll cry yourself to sleep, scream, and throw things, and wonder if it will ever get better. But you have to go through a few storms in order to appreciate the sunshine." I wish I remembered it more eloquently, but I keep that one out because it reminds me that other people have felt that way too. Talking it out is good, but some of your friends who have never been in love, or never been heartbroken, just won't get it. And you can't hold that against them if they are trying to help you. I will never forget the way I felt after breaking up with....let's just say "him." Never ever. I thank God every day that I have people in my life who put up with me through all of that nonsense that was me hating myself after we broke up. Because I very easily could have come out on the other side without any friends. I also thank God everyday for helping me climb out of my own personal hell and get back to being myself again.

I is for Indifference
Please please please do not be indifferent in college.
Read life changing novels. Take philosophy, and have an opinion about everything! Don't shove it down other peoples throats, but don't let them walk all over you either. Now is the time to change your mind about feelings you had in high school. Now is the time to read an article about opposing political views. Don't take what your parents or profs say at face value. Ask questions and explore! There is a prof in the ag department who comes and chats with me in the front office when he gets bored. He's a little crazy and sarcastic--so obviously we get along. Now, understand that in a small department like mine professors know everything that goes on (see the letter P) so they all knew my whole boyfriend situation, and several of them felt the need to talk to me about it when said boy and I broke up. One of my profs said to me "It's okay to fail Lizzie. Now of all times in your life it's okay. You are in college, a safe place, surrounded by people who love and support you. So it's okay to take risks." When he left the office that day I turned around and, as a tear fell from my eye, swore that I would remember that for the rest of my college career.

J is for Jobs
Get an internship or job in the field you are entering after you graduate because you might hate it, and it makes you connections if you love it. Just having work experience at all helps you after graduating.

K is for Karma
It's real. And it will get those who wronged you. Or it will get you if you have wronged others.

L is for Love
You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. Same goes for others. Trust me. If they don't love themselves they can't love you. At least not in a healthy way.

M is for Money
Financial independence is kicking my ass every single day. I need to figure it out because pretty soon I will be making big girl money and my 401K will thank me. So far things I have learned include: pay your rent on time, or you will be evicted. Pay your utilities. Pay for food. THEN you can pay for booze. Try going a semester without asking your parents for money and you will realize just how hard being a grown up is.

N is for Neglect
Don't neglect. Your grades, finances, family, relationships....anything important to you!!! Keep in touch with high school friends. Call your Grandma because one day you won't be able to. Most importantly don't neglect yourself. Take care of you because this is a very brief portion of your life where you aren't responsible for any other human beings.

O is for...Oops...

You will have SO many "oops" moments in college. Some of them are scarier than others. But all of them teach you something. Maybe you let your leftovers get moldy and your roommate left you a passive aggressive note about her gag reflex as she opened the fridge. Oops. Maybe you forgot to turn in a mid term. Oops. Maybe you got 3 parking tickets the first two weeks of school. Oops. Maybe you were too busy being a "Saturday out on the town" so you couldn't quite make it up the next morning to be "a church girl on Sunday." (Brad Paisley is a wise man.) Oops. Now is the time for oops moments. Just avoid ones that stay on your record.

P is for Professors and Parents
As mentioned earlier, profs in small departments know more than you think. So be nice to them. You can make some pretty great friendships by getting to know them. Not like "going out on the weekends" friendships, but "I'd like to hear an interesting story while I'm waiting for my next class to start" friendships. They have a lot of life experience, and they all secretly love reminiscing about when they were your age. Trust me, they have all been there and done that. Above all, respect them. They don't do this for the money.

And for parents...God love them...they have been putting up with you for so long that it doesn't even phase them when you text them something along the lines of, "My account may be overdrawn by like....7 can you possibly pretty please send your favorite daughter a little bit of money?" But don't abuse that relationship. They have done their duty and raised you to be a fully semi-capable young adult, and pretty soon you won't be able to rely on them. It's okay to call your mom crying after a hard week. It's okay to ask Dad this time you need money because you asked Mom last time. It's okay to miss them and be homesick. But in the end, it is your responsibility now, so show them your gratitude by being a grown up. Most of the time.

Q is for Quiet Time
Enjoy it. Respect it. Love it. Take a nature walk. Take a nap. Read a book on a rainy afternoon. I have been told many times to take advantage of naps, because once you have kids it all goes to shit. Haha, just kidding, no one actually said that. But that's basically the vibe I get from adults. Utilize your free time and pamper yourself.

R is for Real Talk, Respect, and Religion
Real talk-- if a man buys you a drink, you finish it whether you like it or not. Real talk-- tip your waiters. They're broke too and if you can afford to go out to eat, you can afford to tip them. Real talk-- learn how to check your oil in your car. You don't have to know how to change it....just check it. Real talk-- have one designated car DJ. Everyone has a friend obsessed with music, and they make killer playlists. Real talk-- get rid of your high school clothes. Real talk-- you need to know how many miles you can drive when your gas light comes on.

Respect? Come on son. It's basic knowledge. Have it, give it, earn it.

Find Jesus. Or don't .I have gained a ton in terms of faith since coming to college, and am so grateful to have found a church that I feel comfortable in. I didn't grow up going to church, it was just something I wanted to try. Always been curious about Buddhism? Go for it dude. Take a theology course. Church hop and listen to different types of services. Talk to someone with different views than you. College has such a variety of people and beliefs..

S if for School Supplies and Soul Sisters
DON'T buy school supplies until you have gone to a class twice. You might not need a 5 subject spiral and three ring binder. Hell, you might not even need paper. Or a textbook. Don't show up empty handed because that doesn't give a good first impression, but you don't have to haul around a back breaking amount of supplies like you did in high school.

Soul sisters are those best friends that you know will be in your life forever. The two girls who helped me write this post and Helen for sure fall into that category. You may fight, go months without speaking, or not see each other for weeks, but you get through it all and come out stronger. They are always your biggest supporter, but they also tell you things that are hard to hear. They are the girls whose stomach hurts for you when you are having anxiety. They cry for you when you have run out of tears. They are the girls who come over at 11 at night after you and your boyfriend got into a huge fight and say things like "Get dressed and layer up because it's our first ever snowfall in Nac since we have been here and we are going sledding" and you proceed to go make hilarious Jamaican bobsled parody videos with. They are the girls who send you Snapchat videos of songs you choreographed dances to in 9th grade. They're family.

T is for Two Stepping
This may be specific to the south, but y'all listen up, do yourselves a favor, and learn to two-step. Was that country enough for you? ;) Men--learn three good spin moves and use them. Ladies--never turn down a dance. Unless your boyfriend is the super jealous type that would get upset. And if that's the case, reevaluate that relationship. If you love to dance and he doesn't, the least he can do is allow you to dance with someone else. It doesn't mean you love him any less. #realtalk

U is for Understanding
Understanding that your boyfriend will always check out other women, and that doesn't mean that he doesn't think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Understanding that most of the time your friends will tell your mutual friends things you say, and it doesn't mean they are backstabbers. Understanding that girls get jealous--I know right? Jealous of you? That awkward, irresponsible, sarcastic excuse for a woman? Yep, you. The grass is always greener and other people always seem to have it better. Don't let other peoples insecurities become your own. Understanding that emotions get high and people say things they don't mean. Understanding that sometimes when people say what they mean, it isn't always easy to hear. Understanding that you are not always right. A little understanding will get you a long way in life.

V is for Venti
Coffee is the elixir of life. Okay maybe that was a little dramatic, but seriously I love coffee. It keeps you alert and focused, and many of my most important conversations have been had over a cup of coffee. As well as some of the silliest and most memorable. Every time I'm home I love sitting at the kitchen table with my parents over a cup of french press. We basically solve the worlds problems, talk about the news, politics, my school...anything we want! On the flip side Helen and I once grabbed coffee after a workout and had an entire conversation as if we were the judgmental old couple that was sitting next to us. It was freezing cold outside and we were in Nike shorts and tank tops, running from the car into Starbucks to avoid the cold. The old man literally turned sideways in his seat and stared at me while his wife peered over a newspaper with the nastiest look on her face. When they finally left, Helen and I suddenly became women from the deep south with the thickest accents you have ever heard, and crooning about "just how dumb these young folks looked in their short shorts when its freezing outside." Moments like that make me smile. Coffee is the best.

W is for Wisdom
I might be biased because of my relationship with Helen, but befriend someone who is a grownup! Mentors are seriously the best. I have a few adults that I like to seek advice from. They have such a different perspective on everything and can be some of the best listeners. They know being a young adult is hard, and they have survived and come out on the other side. Plus, babysitting is a gold mine.

X is for X-ample?
Okay that was a bit of a stretch. In the words of Miranda Lambert, somebody had to set a bad example to teach all the prim and propers what not to do. It's okay to get tipsy with the girls on a school night. It's okay to spend a weekend binge eating girl scout cookies and watching Mad Men. It's okay to shamelessly flirt with a cute frat boy and then not really remember if he was actually that cute the next day. Live it up while you can! #it'scollege

Y is for Your Girls

Sushi with the girls. Margaritas with the girls. Movie night with the girls. Two-stepping with the girls. Wine Wednesday with the girls. Those things are where friendships are born and sisters are made. Inside jokes are created and memories shared. Making friends as an adult is going to be so much more difficult! And Mindy Kaling tells me that when I do make grown up friends as a professional, I'm just going to wish I could go back in time and be friends with them in college! So don't forget about your girls. 

Z is for ZzzQuil
But helps you sleep when your mind won't stop at the end of the day. Get the pills, not the liquid. What are you 5? P.S. It's non-addictive, unlike it's cold curing counterpart NyQuil.

In closing, this time in our lives goes by so quick when you really think about it. 4 years? What was 4 years to a 85 year old woman? Short and fleeting. But these four years (or maybe 5 or 6) to us? These four years of college are years of triumph and failure. Years of heartache and falling in love. Falling in love with a place, with a person, with yourself, with your life. Years of joy and anguish. Years of being surrounded by people, and never feeling more alone. Years of friendships. Years of education. Years of preparation. Years of pictures and memories and building a home, only to leave it and start over again. But don't be melancholy. Sure it's a little sad to think it's coming to a close so quickly, but just think about how much you have gained through it all? You have gained knowledge and life long friendships, and maybe the man of your dreams, and a passion and a path to follow and the tools to succeed in the real world. The next part of your life is just as new as exciting as stepping onto campus for the first time was as a freshman. So here's to what
I truly believe is the best time of our lives!

"All hail to SFA-SU!"
